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High Voltage Transformer, 6000V @ 20kVA, 4-7kHz with Epoxy Encapsulated Windings for Corona Resistance


High Voltage Transformer, 6000V @ 20kVA, 4-7kHz with Epoxy Encapsulated Windings for Corona Resistance

This custom specialty transformer was designed for use in a system for ozone generation for water sanitizing. This transformer utilizes epoxy-encapsulated windings to provide additional protection against damage caused by partial discharge (corona). Encapsulation is performed under vacuum with the goal of replacing air with epoxy to provide a superior medium of insulation. Rated 600V input, 6kV output @ 4-7kHz. Insulation is Class F (180C). Copper foil and Litz wire windings on a gapped ferrite core. Model 211020.



Surge Arrestor


Surge Arrestor

Water Resistant, epoxy sealed within polycarbonate housing; provided with T-connector cable.


Submersible Transformer


Submersible Transformer

Water Tight Submersible Transformer. 277:120V, 60Hz, 750VA, 25lbs Fully encapsulated within custom aluminum housing, SOW leads (100lb pull test)


High Voltage Switching Transformer


High Voltage Switching Transformer

100KVA, 4-7KHz Epoxy Casted, Ferrite Core - for ozone generation





High Voltage Communications Transformer


High Voltage Communications Transformer

12KV Isolation between windings Epoxy Casted, Corona Inception <10pC @ 1800V



Power Step-Down Transformer Assembly with Wiring Harness and Integral Output Protection


Power Step-Down Transformer Assembly with Wiring Harness and Integral Output Protection

Value-added custom step-down transformer assembly for laboratory equipment. Transformer incorporates a multi-tapped input (100/120/200/220/230/240V) for international supply applications and dual SELV outputs, 22VA @ 50/60Hz. Includes wiring harness and output fuse protection circuitry mounted together with the transformer on a conversion coated aluminum bracket. RoHS compliant. Custom Model 206053.



Toroidal Water Cooled Transformer Assembly (EC Custom Model 210033)


Toroidal Water Cooled Transformer Assembly (EC Custom Model 210033)

Customer design, assembled at Electronic Craftsmen. Used in an Induction Heating application.
Multiple windings of 2625/44 Litz wire assembled onto 2 x 4.21"OD 3F3 Ferrite cores together with multiple sets of connection and water-cooling hardware assemblies. 4200Vdc hipot.


Rectifier Transformer Assembly


Rectifier Transformer Assembly

280VA, 50/60Hz Open Style, 4 Slot Chassis Mount, Complete with Secondary Fusing, Faston Terminals


High Voltage Power Transformer


High Voltage Power Transformer

25VA, 60 Hz 19KV Isolation Between Windings, 4.1KV Primary Input Voltage, Epoxy Casted Primary


Current Source Transformer


Current Source Transformer

High Power 250:1 Turns Ratio Open Style, 4 Slot Chassis Mount, 1600A Output


Current Transformer (CT)


Current Transformer (CT)

1000:1 Turns Ratio Tape Wound Toroid, 220A Primary Current


High Current Output Multi-Tap Step-Down Power Transformer


High Current Output Multi-Tap Step-Down Power Transformer

This Multi-Tap Step-Down Power Transformer is 240V, 60Hz fundamental input with a total of 9 incremental taps yielding 2.0-4.0Vac @ 5kVA (1250-2500A). Low loss 29M6 Electrical Grade Steel core with 8AWG heavy copper windings (MW-36C) Class H (180C) insulation. 90lbs.



Large Coil-Only Current Transformer (EC Custom Model 217076)


Large Coil-Only Current Transformer (EC Custom Model 217076)

Used to measure current for utility applications, this large coil consists of 3-ph windings of 0.060x0.160 & 0.075x0.280 rectangular MW18C wire wound on a custom paper coil form. Class H insulation. Hytex layer insulation and Mylar outerwrap.



High Voltage Transformer 7500–9400Vac output (EC Custom Model 220034)


High Voltage Transformer 7500–9400Vac output (EC Custom Model 220034)

This open type transformer is used to generate a high voltage output in an air purification system.

  • Input Voltage: 240–300V
  • Output Voltage: 7500–9400V
  • Frequency: 25–30kHz
  • Power: 1500VA
  • Ambient Temperature: up to 45°C
  • Fits in a 130mm cylinder
  • Includes thermal cutout protection


Multi-tap Power Transformer, 280VA


Multi-tap Power Transformer, 280VA

This compact transformer is rated 120/240V, 50/60Hz input, with outputs for 4V, 8V, 12V, 18V, 22V and 26V. 29M6 Electrical Grade Steel core with Class B (130C) insulation system. (Model 214059)


Zig-Zag "Zero Sequence" Grounding Transformer Assembly, 600V, 20A/phase


Zig-Zag "Zero Sequence" Grounding Transformer Assembly, 600V, 20A/phase

Grounding (or Zig-Zag) Custom Transformer Model 215033 shown with cover removed on NEMA 1 enclosure. Also included is a 393 mohm 60A "neutral" inductor (smaller magnetic shown). The application is for the creation of a missing neutral connection from an ungrounded 3-phase Delta system to permit the grounding of that neutral to an earth reference point; also to reduce harmonic content. During a phase to ground fault the zig-zag transformer’s coils magnetic flux are no longer equal in the faulted line. This allows zero sequence current to now flow from the point of the fault to ground and return to the zig-zag transformer’s neutral.



34kVA Airport Lighting Transformer - Constant Current Regulator Application


34kVA Airport Lighting Transformer - Constant Current Regulator Application

This example custom power transformer is rated 34kVA @ 50Hz, 400Vin, 1620Vout. Input Impedance 5% Minimum, 20% & 60% Output Taps. Constructed of MW35&36C Rectangular Copper wire coils with dog-bone ventilation assembled onto a 26M19 Electrical Grade Steel core with Class H (180C) insulation. Used in a constant current regulator for airfield lighting power and control solutions.



Constant Voltage Ferroresonant Power Transformer Assembly


Constant Voltage Ferroresonant Power Transformer Assembly

120V, multiple output, 550W total, 29M6EI laminations, Class H 180C insulation, assembled with rectifier & control circuitry. Used in safety-critical Airport Lighting applications.


Ferroresonant Airport Beacon Power Transformer


Ferroresonant Airport Beacon Power Transformer

2000V@ 250VA, 50Hz Provided with integral rectifier and control circuitry


Airfield Lighting SCR Type Stacked Transformer Assembly


Airfield Lighting SCR Type Stacked Transformer Assembly

25KVA + 25KVA For use in Phase Controlled AC SCR Type Transformers, Input Impedance = 3.5 -5.0%



3 Phase Power Transformer with Integrated Inductor


3 Phase Power Transformer with Integrated Inductor

9.0KVA, 400Hz with 100uH: Tape Wound E-Cores, Open Style, Electrostatic Shield; used in APU Power System.



3 Phase Power Transformer with Integrated Inductor


3 Phase Power Transformer with Integrated Inductor

4.5KVA, 60Hz with 80mH: EI1.5" lamination, 12 Pulse Full Wave Rectified with Electrostatic Shield



3 Phase Delta-Wye Transformer with Integrated Inductor


3 Phase Delta-Wye Transformer with Integrated Inductor

25.5KVA, 60Hz with 14.5mH: EI2.4" lamination, 12 Pulse Full Wave Rectified, Electrostatic Shield


3 Phase Power Transformer with Integrated Inductor


3 Phase Power Transformer with Integrated Inductor

4.5KVA, 60Hz with 80mH: EI1.5" lamination, 12 Pulse Full Wave Rectified with Electrostatic Shield



3 Phase Battery Charge Rectifier Transformer


3 Phase Battery Charge Rectifier Transformer

35KVA, 60Hz: Open Style, Electrostatic Shield, M6 Grain Oriented Shunts, 6 Slot Chassis Mount



Single Phase Square Wave Transformer


Single Phase Square Wave Transformer

1W, 250KHz Surface Mount Bobbin, Open Style, 4000V Isolation between windings


18-Pulse, Multi-Tap Delta-Wye Output Transformer


18-Pulse, Multi-Tap Delta-Wye Output Transformer

28KVA, 50/60Hz 29M6 shunt steel core, rectangular copper wire windings. 460lbs total weight.


High Voltage Radar Pulse Transformer


High Voltage Radar Pulse Transformer

12KV, Ratio 1:20, 250KHz Fully Encapsulated in an Aluminum Can, Tape Wound Amorphous Core


20kW Switching Transformer for DC-DC Converter operating at 20-40kHz (EC Custom Model 215027)


20kW Switching Transformer for DC-DC Converter operating at 20-40kHz (EC Custom Model 215027)

Nominal Power: 20kW

Switching Frequency: 20kHz (can also operate at 40kHz)

Primary-secondary ration: 7:5 (1.4:1)

Primary voltage: 720V

Nominal output current: 60A

Approx. dim: 2.75”W x 4.25”H x 5.50”D

Approx. weight: 10Lbs

Application:  Custom Test & Measurement Equipment

Electronic Craftsmen Custom Transformer Model 215027



Encapsulated HV Switching Transformer for Satellite Communications Amplifier


Encapsulated HV Switching Transformer for Satellite Communications Amplifier

This specialty transformer is silicone (RTV) encapsulated with mineral filler to facilitate heat transfer. Dual outputs rated 3200Vac @ 1200mA. Ferrite block cores with copper foil primaries, heavy wire secondaries and teflon insulation. 20KV Isolation


Flyback Transformer


Flyback Transformer

85-100kHz, 30W, 15uH EFD25 Ferrite Core, Litz-Wound, PCB mount, 2000V hipot


Flyback Transformer


Flyback Transformer

147VA, 132KHz ETD39 Ferrite Core, Tri and Quad-filar Windings, PCB Mount


High Voltage Casted Transformer


High Voltage Casted Transformer

21KV Isolation 2-Part Epoxy Encapsulation, E80 Ferrite Core, Corona


High Voltage Switching Transformer


High Voltage Switching Transformer

11kVA, 20kHz Ferrite U-Core, Class 155C, Foil windings, Litz leads


High Voltage Switching Transformer, 36.5kVA @ 25kHz


High Voltage Switching Transformer, 36.5kVA @ 25kHz

Model 215006. Designed for HV laboratory application. Input 5kV @ 400A; Resonant output 60kV @ 200A with 60kVdc isolation with 100ms on / 5 mins off time. Epoxy encapsulated Litz wire coils assembled on Ferrite Cores.



High Voltage Transformer


High Voltage Transformer

3.5-6.0W, 100KHz Surface Mount Multi Section Bobbin Design, 6000V Output


Switching Transformer


Switching Transformer

100KW, 20KHz Open Style, 4 Slot Chassis Mount


Switching Flyback Transformer, 200kHz, 60W, discontinuous mode


Switching Flyback Transformer, 200kHz, 60W, discontinuous mode

Copper Foil Input winding; 7x34AWG output and 41AWG HV output. EER35 Core (PC44), Class B (130C) insulation system.



Switching Transformer for Instrument Supply


Switching Transformer for Instrument Supply

10uH, 100kHz RM12 Ferrite Core, 41AWG Wire and Copper Foil Windings, PCB mount


Step Down Transformer, 8.5kW @ 20kHz (EC Custom Model 221062)


Step Down Transformer, 8.5kW @ 20kHz (EC Custom Model 221062)

  • 400Vpk PRI; 75Vpk SEC
  • Litz (multistrand) wire wound on a Ferrite U-Core, secured by Stainless Steel strapping.


347V / 480V / 600V Step-down Autotransformers - 3" wide


347V / 480V / 600V Step-down Autotransformers - 3" wide

Model 213053 - 347:240V @ 350VA

Model 213055 - 480:240V @ 225VA

Model 213056 - 600:240V @ 170VA (shown)

Model 213057 - 347:120V @ 170VA

Typ. 3.0W x 2.3D x 2.5H, 2.8lbs, 10" leads. Designed to meet CSA/UL but not Approved at this time.


347V / 480V / 600V Step-down Autotransformers - 3.8" wide


347V / 480V / 600V Step-down Autotransformers - 3.8" wide

Model 212016 - 347:240V @ 600VA
Model 213069 - 480:240V @ 350VA
Model 213070 - 600:240V @ 300VA (shown)
Model 213071 - 347:120V @ 300VA
Typ. 3.8W x 2.8D x 3.1H, 4.8lbs, 10" leads
Note that these are designed to meet UL & CSA but are not Approved at this time.



Lighting Autotransformer, 347V/240V, 60Hz @ 120VA


Lighting Autotransformer, 347V/240V, 60Hz @ 120VA

CSA Certified to CSA C22.2 No.66 and UL5085, Low Profile, 4 Hole Chassis Mount


IP-rated Enclosed Step-Down Autotransformer Assembly


IP-rated Enclosed Step-Down Autotransformer Assembly

This custom-assembly (Model 212017) was designed for use in a greenhouse environment subject to high moisture. Consists of base transformer (model 212016), rated 600VA, 347:240V, 60Hz, housed within a NEMA 12/13 Enclosure. Provided with a NEMA L6-15R locking flanged outlet (15A,250V). The concept was that the 347V input supply would be conduit connected through a knock-out in the other side of the housing.



480:240V @ 240VA Lighting Autotransformer


480:240V @ 240VA Lighting Autotransformer

Open Style with optional of threaded standoffs for horizontal mounting or L-brackets for vertical mounting.



Airport Lighting Transformer


Airport Lighting Transformer

23KVA, 60Hz Open Style, 4 Slot Chassis Mount. For use in Phase Controlled AC SCR Type Regulators


Power Transformer


Power Transformer

25VA, 400 Hz Epoxy Encapsulated, Grain-Oriented Silicon Steel, 4 Hole Chassis Mount







Open Style Model 210042 (for internal install)


Open Style Model 210042 (for internal install)

347:240V @ 100VA. UL Recognized for Canada with Class B - 130C insulation. Ideal for applications for lighting fixtures with input ratings of 240V or for auto-ranging inputs of 100-277V.
Similar Models include 210097 (347:120V @ 60VA) and 210099 (480:240V @ 75VA for US systems).
Available with or without optional brackets for mounting.


Enclosed High-Power External Mount Slim-Line LED Lighting Step-Down Transformers, UL Listed. Enclosed High-Power External Mount Slim-Line LED Lighting Step-Down Transformers, UL Listed.

ENCLOSED external mount sep-down autotransformers, Models 210043EB (shown), 210098EB & 210083EB. Same popular "Low-Profile" shape with overall dimensions 7.72"L x 1.87"W x 1.49"H.  Fully UL Listed for Canada and the U.S.   Suited for IP66 applications.

FR530 "Rynite" enclosure (flammability rated UL V-0) and completely epoxy sealed for water resistance.  Provided with integral mounting feet.

Also available with an internal thermal protector - Model Suffix "FB"

See Slim Line table of models for further information.


Enclosed External-Mounted Slim Line LED Lighting Transformer shown assembled outside a junction box Enclosed External-Mounted Slim Line LED Lighting Transformer shown assembled outside a junction box

No need to assemble this transformer inside a fixture housing!  Easily mounted on the outside through a simple standard 1/2" NPT electrical knock-out in a junction box or through an approx. 5/8" hole in any other enclosure. Secured on the inside of the enclosure by a standard 1/2" NPT metal conduit fitting locknut (provided).   (Model 210041EB shown).

Fully UL Listed for Canada and the US. 480V to 240V; 347V to 240V and 347V to 120V step-down voltages. Configuration available in power ratings from 25 to 240VA (see model table on Slim Line webpage)


Enclosed Mid-Size External Mount Slim-Line LED Lighting Step-Down Transformer, UL Listed.


Enclosed Mid-Size External Mount Slim-Line LED Lighting Step-Down Transformer, UL Listed.

Enclosed style for Mid-Power Slim-Line Models 210042EB (shown), 210097EB, & 210099EB. FR50 enclosure (flammability rated UL V-0) and completely epoxy sealed for IP66 water resistance.  Also available with internal thermal protector (use model suffix "FB").  Integral threaded nipple for convenient mounting through a standard electrical knock-out.  Fully UL Listed for Canada and the U.S. 

Dimensions: 3.56"L x 1.91"W x 1.56"H plus Nipple (approx. 0.47" threads above 0.13" shoulder, outside dia. 0.82" (1/2" NPT)).  Provided with steel lock-nut for attachment to fixtures.  See Slim Line table of models for further information.


Enclosed Compact External Mount Slim-Line LED Lighting Step-Down Transformer, UL Listed.


Enclosed Compact External Mount Slim-Line LED Lighting Step-Down Transformer, UL Listed.

Available for Slim-Line Models 210041, 210100 & 211063 (Enclosed Model 210041EB shown). FR50 enclosure (flammability rated UL V-0) and completely epoxy sealed for IP66 water resistance. Fully UL Listed for Canada and the U.S. Integral threaded nipple for convenient mounting through a standard electrical knock-out. Also available with internal thermal protector (model suffix "FB").

Dimensions: 2.07"L x 1.91"W x 1.56"H plus Nipple (approx. 0.47" threads above 0.13" shoulder, outside dia. 0.82" (1/2" NPT)). Provided with steel lock-nut for attachment to fixtures.



Open-Type Mid-Range Power Models 210042, 210097 and 210099.


Open-Type Mid-Range Power Models 210042, 210097 and 210099.

Shown are the popular mid-range power versions of our popular OPEN Internal-Mount Style step-down autotransformers; UL Recognized (C-US). Available with or without brackets as 347:240V@100VA, 347:120V@60VA, and 480:240V@75VA. Also available as a UL Listed ENCLOSED IP66 external mount. Refer to the Slim Line table of parts for further details on all available sizes and ratings of parts.


Open-type, High-Power Models 210043, 210098 and 210083


Open-type, High-Power Models 210043, 210098 and 210083

These are the highest power size of these versatile step-down autotransformers, 347:240V@240VA, 347:120V@125VA, 480:240V@170VA . UL Recognized Class B (130C), Canada/U.S. This image shows the OPEN Internal Style parts with or without brackets. Refer to the Slim Line table of parts for further details on ratings and links to specifications.





Plated Steel Mounting Brackets are available for our "Slim Line" LED lighting open-type step-down transformers that a user can easily install themselves. The brackets simply slip over the core at either end and "contain" the transformer when the brackets are fastened-down to the lighting fixture by screws.  Save significant cost by simply installing them yourself or alternatively, they can be shipped PRE-INSTALLED from Electronic Craftsmen for a nominal  additional cost.  Click on the part number in the Slim Line table of parts for specifications for mounting centers.


Slim Line LED Lighting Transformers, Open Internal Style Models 210041, 210100 and 211063


Slim Line LED Lighting Transformers, Open Internal Style Models 210041, 210100 and 211063

These are the smallest size of these versatile step-down autotransformers. This image shows the Open Internal Style parts with or without brackets. Refer to the Slim Line table of parts for further details on ratings and links to specifications.



Open-Style Slim Line - Representative Sketch


Open-Style Slim Line - Representative Sketch

Red – incoming from Mains Supply (347V or 480V); Black – Output to Fixture (120V or 240V); White – Common/Neutral.  Refer to the Slim Line table of models for length dimensions for each model/type; click on the specific model number in the table for detailed specifications.



"Slim Line" Family of LED Lighting Autotransformers


"Slim Line" Family of LED Lighting Autotransformers

"Slim Line" LED Lighting Autotransformers are used to convert 347V, 480V or 277V source electrical supply down to 120V or 240V.  UL Approved for both U.S. & Canada with Class B (130C) insulation. A variety of sizes and form factors with outputs designed to suit your specific application!

Available as "Open Type" for internal-mount applications (order with or without mounting brackets) or as "Enclosed Type" for external-mount IP66 outdoor applications. Refer to the Slim Line table of models for further information - simply click on the model number for detailed specifications.



AC Inductor


AC Inductor

410uH, 72A, 5 kHz Ferrite Core, Litz Wound, Terminal Block Terminations, for Ozone Generation

Place content here.



Air Core Inductor 50uH (EC Custom Model 221050)


Air Core Inductor 50uH (EC Custom Model 221050)

Air Core Inductor used as a Load Test Choke
Inductance: 50 uH +/-10%
Operating Frequency: 625 Hz
Operating Voltage: 2.4 kV
Operating Current 10 kA peak for 0.7 sec, 226 Arms
Power loss: less than 350 W total
Dielectric Strength: greater than 6 kV



Inrush Current Limiting Saturating Inductor 100uH (EC Custom Model 220032)


Inrush Current Limiting Saturating Inductor 100uH (EC Custom Model 220032)

10mH Open Circuit, 100uH @ 30Arms
Weight: 1.5 Lbs
Temp Class: 155C
Operating voltage: 600V
Built with Ferrite Core and 14AWG Magnet Wire
Custom Brackets and Self Flying leads.


Sinewave CCR Output Filter Inductor


Sinewave CCR Output Filter Inductor

This custom CCR output filter inductor boasts 0.7 mH @ 90A, 50Hz with 14App ripple @ 10kHz, high temperature 220C insulation, 0.010" copper foil windings on Metglas® wound amorphous metal C-core.


Air Core Inductor


Air Core Inductor

3uH, 180A, 150kHz Toroidal Ferrite Core, Litz Wire conductors with LEM for Current Monitoring


Encapsulated Toroidal inductor


Encapsulated Toroidal inductor

2mH, 1A, 400Hz High Flux Powder Cores, Epoxy Cast, Threaded Standoff for Mounting


Coupled Inductor


Coupled Inductor

2.0mH, 18A, 15 KHz Tape-Wound Amorphous Alloy C-Cores, Specialty Brackets, Teflon Leads


Coupled Inductor


Coupled Inductor

2.2mH, 25A, 15 KHz Tape Wound Nickel Ferrite Core, Class H insulation


3 Phase Inductive Load (EC Custom Model 222036)


3 Phase Inductive Load (EC Custom Model 222036)

20uH @ 50Arms, 30-500Hz.
Constructed with copper foil & grain oriented electrical steel.
Overall dim: 4"W x 3.85"H x 2.25"D.
Approx. Inductor weight: 3.0 Lbs.



Motor Simulating Inductor 39uH (EC Custom Model 220036)


Motor Simulating Inductor 39uH (EC Custom Model 220036)

3 Phase, 39uH @ 70Arms, 400-1500Hz
Weight: 16 Lbs
Temp Class: 180C
Operating voltage: 600V
Built with Nanocrystalline Core and Copper Foil wound 0.8mm x 2.25” wide
Custom Brackets and Bus Bar terminations


Three-Phase AC Reactor - 3KVAR @ 400Hz (Model 216037)


Three-Phase AC Reactor - 3KVAR @ 400Hz (Model 216037)

This AC Inductor is one of a family of parts designed for airport ground support test equipment. Used on a 400Hz, 208V line-line power system (120V line-neutral), this reactor is constructed using 10AWG rectangular magnet wire assembled on a specialty M2 electrical grade shunt steel core and non-magnetic aluminum brackets. Class H (180C) insulation system.



3 Phase Zig Zag Inductor for Power Quality Correction


3 Phase Zig Zag Inductor for Power Quality Correction

This CSA certified custom three-phase zig-zag inductor is rated 188uH, 72A, 60Hz. Constructed using M6 Grain Oriented Steel with Adjustable Gap, 200C insulation, CSA Certified. Used as part of a modular system that is custom engineered for each facility to effectively and economically optimize power quality, providing guaranteed energy savings, through reductions in power demand and power consumption. (KVA/KW and KWH).



3 Phase Zig Zag Power Inductor for Power Conditioning Applications


3 Phase Zig Zag Power Inductor for Power Conditioning Applications

This custom three-phase power inductor was designed and manufactured for power conditioning applications and boasts 1000uH @ 90Arms, 60Hz. 29M6 low-loss grain oriented electrical steel core with Nomex-wrapped. 130x.312 rectangular MW-60C wire. User-Adjustable gap. 200C Temperature Class.


3 Phase DC Differential Mode Power Inductor (Aviation Power)


3 Phase DC Differential Mode Power Inductor (Aviation Power)

This custom three-phase DC power inductor is used in the Auxiliary Power Unit in a commercial aviation platform. 50uH, 125A/ph, 15kHz Tape-Wound E-Core, 0.010 Copper Foil Windings, High-Temperature Teflon Leads, Class H (220C) insulation. Insulation resistance, 40Mohm (min) @ 500Vdc. Manufactured in Canada.


Common Mode Inductor


Common Mode Inductor

80uH, 150A, 300Hz Tape Wound C-Core, Open Style, 4 Hole Chassis Mount


Differential Inductor


Differential Inductor

44uH, 75A, 1 KHz Tape Wound E-Core, Open Style, 4 Hole Chassis Mount


30kW Coupled (2 winding) Inductor, 112uH, 14kHz (EC Custom Model 217057)


30kW Coupled (2 winding) Inductor, 112uH, 14kHz (EC Custom Model 217057)

Intended for High Power Filter applications in a 30kW converter, this 2-coil inductor is rated 112uH @ 700V square wave (14kHz); peak current reaches 230A. The customer needed a complete re-design of an existing part from another manufacturer in order to reduce excessive losses. Consists of multiple layers of 0.012" copper foil with Mylar insulation assembled on a 50ALL ferrite core that was modified in-house to fit. (Custom Model 217057)



Common Mode Filter Choke - 500uH 20kHz 100A


Common Mode Filter Choke - 500uH 20kHz 100A

This custom filter choke is foil-wound on multiple FU93 ferrite cores with Class H (180C) insulation (part number 209087).



High Power Boost Inverter Inductor


High Power Boost Inverter Inductor

350uH, 200A, 60Hz High Current 6KHz Harmonics, M2 Grade Steel, Copper Foil-Wound, 15" Tall, 120lb.


Output Filter Inductor


Output Filter Inductor

50uH, 75A, 100 KHz Ferrite Core, Foil Wound, Class B insulation with Enhanced Airflow


Output Filter Inductor


Output Filter Inductor

300uH, 125A, 3 Hz fund. Amorphous Alloy C-Cores, 220C Insulation, Foil-Wound


Test Load Inductor, 3 Phase, 100uH @ 800Arms (EC Custom Model 221048)


Test Load Inductor, 3 Phase, 100uH @ 800Arms (EC Custom Model 221048)

  • 800A will be applied for 20 sec.
  • Built with copper foil windings, shunt steel and custom mounting brackets
  • Overall dimensions: 18"W x 10"D x 15.75"H


AC Filter Inductor 200uH (EC Custom Model 220047)


AC Filter Inductor 200uH (EC Custom Model 220047)

Used to filter the switching harmonics from the inverter
Minimum Full Load Inductance: 200uH
Nominal Line Current: 50A RMS
Max Applied Voltage: 600V
Line Frequency: 60Hz
Current Ripple Frequency: 40kHz
Max Pk-Pk Ripple Current: 20A
Max Ambient Temperature: 65C
Hipot Test: 2200VAC / 60Hz / 60Sec.
Insulation Class: Class B Minimum
Fully sealed with Low Viscosity Epoxy






Differential Mode Inductor 108uH (EC Custom Model 218028)


Differential Mode Inductor 108uH (EC Custom Model 218028)

Edge wound with MW-36C Rectangular wire
108uH @ 60A
1Hz - 50/60Hz
Ferrite Core


Low Frequency Bypass Inductor 1.8mH, 60Hz with harmonics (EC Custom Model 217079)


Low Frequency Bypass Inductor 1.8mH, 60Hz with harmonics (EC Custom Model 217079)

Used as a component of an LCL filter on the output of a 3 ph grid-tied inverter. This inductor serves as a shunt for low frequency current to reduce losses in the damping resistor.

  • Inductance: 1.80mH +/-10%
  • Line Voltage, rms: 480V +/-10%
  • Switching Frequency: 5-10kHz
  • Rated Current @ 60Hz: 4.5A
  • Harmonic 1: 400mA @ 5kHz
  • Harmonic 2: 50mA @ 10kHz
  • Dielectric Strength: 3000Vac, 2s
  • Chassis Mountable; Terminal Block for electrical connections
  • Metglas Core


DC Inductor, 30uH @200Adc, with 5Apk-pk @20kHz Ripple (EC Custom Model 220011)


DC Inductor, 30uH @200Adc, with 5Apk-pk @20kHz Ripple (EC Custom Model 220011)

Used to limit the inrush of fault currents in DC power electronic systems

  • Operating voltage: 800VDC
  • Ambient operating temp: -30C to +50C
  • Amorphous Alloy Core Material
  • Approx. dimensions: 5.25”H x 4.00”W x 5.25”D
  • Approx. weight: 9.25Lbs


High Current DC Filter Inductor with 1kHz Ripple (EC Custom Model 210022)


High Current DC Filter Inductor with 1kHz Ripple (EC Custom Model 210022)

These inductors are used in a renewable energy application. Rated 620Adc, 1.5mH designed for 1kHz ripple current, they consist of 40mil copper foil windings, 10" wide with integral ventilation slots assembled on 26M19 electrical grade steel cores. High temperature, Class H (180C) insulation system. Heavy duty 1105HTC vacuum-varnish encapsulant for harsh environment. Total weight approx 520lbs.


High Current AC Inductor - Wind Farm Application


High Current AC Inductor - Wind Farm Application

This unique, custom AC inductor is rated 51uH, 620A, 50/60 Hz with high harmonic content (ripple); 2260Apk, 3750V hipot (isolation). Constructed of dual 25mil copper foil (5.5" wide) windings assembled onto "Mega Flux" distributed gap core blocks. Surge tested, 5 pulses, Ag = 5mV/sec min. Used for energy storage purposes in a large-scale wind-farm regulation plant.


Encapsulated 3ph DC Inductor (256uH, 48Adc) for DC-DC converter application (Model 215023)


Encapsulated 3ph DC Inductor (256uH, 48Adc) for DC-DC converter application (Model 215023)

Three single-phase custom inductors each rated 256uH, 48Adc with 50App ripple at 8kHz. Each inductor is constructed of 0.010 copper foil wound on an AMCC-50 amorphous metal core using Class H (180C) insulation. Encapsulated/casted in thermally conductive epoxy with conductive filler, contained within a partial aluminum housing with integral mounting bracket.



3ph Water-Cooled Inductor


3ph Water-Cooled Inductor

This custom 3ph water-cooled inductor boasts 70uH, 220A, 1600Hz Foil Wound on Ferrite Cores, 20A Ripple @ 20kHz, Copper Tube Cooling Cast in Silicone



AC Inductor


AC Inductor

35uH, 300A, 10kHz Litz Wire Wound on Multiple Ferrite Toroids


Output Filter Inductor


Output Filter Inductor

Amorphous Alloy C-Cores, 220C Insulation, Foil-Wound. 50uH, 75A, 100 KHz.


Combination Differential + Common Mode


Combination Differential + Common Mode

DM 120uH, CM 300uH, 100A; 400Hz Edge Wound, Tape Wound C-Core, Open Style, 4 Hole Chassis Mount